By rossella rago on Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Category: The Italian-American Stories

Earthquake Fundraiser with NIAF


Dear Friends,

as you know, about one month ago, the beautiful region of Emilia-Romagna in Italy was devastated by a violent earthquake that took many lives, destroyed many homes and monuments and caused a great deal of distress for thousand of people.

Everyone hopes that the worst is over and people can begin to reconstruct their life and their homes and slowly get back to normal. However, the reconstruction process will take time and most of all will require a great deal of funds.

To help raise some of the funds needed, I have teamed up with the Italian America Relief at the  National Italian-American Foundation so that together and with the help of many other fine Italian-American organizations we can bring some relief to our friends in Italy.

The funds raised will be applied toward the Cooperativa Sociale Nazareno, located in the Villa Chierici of Santa Croce di Carpi, Modena. The Cooperativa Sociale Nazareno focuses on breaking the barriers that separate the "world of the disabled" from the rest of society. Villa Chierici serves as both an educational and rehabilitation center for 27 children with grave disabilities and looks over nearly 200 children within the area that have physical and/or mental disabilities. Due to the recent earthquakes that have hit the region of Emilia Romagna, Cooperativa Sociale Nazareno's rural residence has sustained great damage to its roof, making it dangerous to use the facilities inside. Italian American Relief has decided to focus its efforts on restoring the roof so that the children will be able to enjoy the space once again.

As you can see these children, not only are coping with their disabilities, but now they also have to cope with all the disadvantages caused by the earthquake. So I urge each and everyone of you to make a donation, even a small one, so that we can help these children have a more enjoyable future.

To make a donation please visit the Italian America Relief website and help our friends in need.


Donate Now!

Grazie a Tutti,


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