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Delia the Crone
Discussion started by Delia the Crone 14 years ago
Danny Campo
Typically this is done to get a good sear on the item you are cooking. If a pan is not hot enough your food will not brown, it will just kind of boil.. It is the browning of food that gives it a...Typically this is done to get a good sear on the item you are cooking. If a pan is not hot enough your food will not brown, it will just kind of boil.. It is the browning of food that gives it a deeper and richer flavor. After heating a pan put a small drop of water in it . If hot enough, the water drop should break up and dance around a little. If the drop steams up and disappears instantly, the pan is too hot. When it is just right, you can add the oil. It also makes a pan "non stick" when heated properly. Oil that is not hot enough will make food very oily, and when it is at the right heat it will heat the foods surface without penetrating the food too much, therefore making it crisp and brown.
If you are deep frying, you can add oil to a cold pan and let it heat up together. When adding breaded or floured food to a pan with oil, make sure you shake off all the excess or it will settle in the oil and begin to burn. Show more 14 years ago
If you are deep frying, you can add oil to a cold pan and let it heat up together. When adding breaded or floured food to a pan with oil, make sure you shake off all the excess or it will settle in the oil and begin to burn. Show more 14 years ago

Delia the Crone
Thanks, Danny! You've given me a lot more information than I imagined it had to do with! Now I'll pay VERY close attention, when sauteeing.
14 years ago

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