My Little Bottega

My Little Bottega
  When I started this wonderful Cooking with Nonna project, I never imagined that it would one day lead me into following the footsteps of both my great nonna Regina and my nonna Romana. You see, over...
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6568 Hits

Arrivederci Seattle

Just a few days ago I have come back from one of the most memorable experiences of my life... a trip to Seattle to host La Festa Italiana ! I must confess that Seattle is absolutely a jewel of a city ...
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7405 Hits

My First National Gourmet Institute Experience!

My First National Gourmet Institute Experience!
    Many of you know that I've recently completed the Natural Gourmet Institute's 30th annual Summer Intensive class.  As someone in the food business I believe in being an eternal student.  My class ...
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6224 Hits

Festa Italiana - Seattle

Festa Italiana - Seattle
  My Dear Friends, I'm so excited to have been invited as the Special Guest at the Festa Italiana in Seattle which will take place on September 24 & 25, 2011. At this event I will be doing a demo on e...
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9205 Hits


  Italy with Rossella   Come with me! Vieni con Me! ...on a Culinary Tour of a Lifetime in Sunny Puglia & Campania! Italy... Coast to  Coast!!!   Featuring Cooking lessons by local Nonne!    &   My Ho...
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14124 Hits

Happy Nutella Day!

Happy Nutella Day!
      ALAS! It's here! The day of all days! It's National Nutella Day my friends! My favorite substance ever invented.  To me, it is truly the divine food of the Gods.  A glorious, chocolatey velour o...
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7648 Hits

My Virtual Trip to Sardegna!

My Virtual Trip to Sardegna!
    The other nite I was invited to a wonderful event in New York City organized by Alta Cucina Society and Regione Sardegna. The event was to present some of the specialty food of a wonderful region ...
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5388 Hits

Sopressata Time!!!

Sopressata Time!!!
      Another glorious day of food is upon us! And today, as you all know is National Sopressata Day. For no other reason than because we here at Cooking With Nonna said so! Now, if you all at home ar...
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25251 Hits

La Befana

La Befana
    Ciao Bambini! - Hello Children! La Befana viene di notte con le scarpe tutte rotte col vestito alla Romana: Viva viva la Befana!   My Nonna Romana used to say this to me every year ...
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42468 Hits


    Center for Italian and Italian-American Culture   Awards Gala November 12, 2010  One of the most memorable evenings of my life. I want to thank the Center for Italian and Italian-American Culture ...
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5628 Hits

My First NIAF Convention

My First NIAF Convention
Photo: Derek Parks Well kids, I'm back from the capital! And I did it! I channeled my inner Tony Robbins and I gave my very first official speech.  Now some of you might be thinking that public speaki...
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7587 Hits

Back to my Alma Mater - St. John's University

Back to my Alma Mater - St. John's University
   Yesterday, October 18, 2010,  I had the distinguished honor of going back to my Alma Mater - St. John's University together with the full Team Nonna: my Mamma Angela and my lovely Nonna Romana. The...
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7256 Hits

My 24 Hour Restaurant Battle Experience

My 24 Hour Restaurant Battle Experience
    After patiently awaiting the premier of our episode, Team Nonna sat  down in front of the television with a lovely slice of gelato cake that my friend Giorgio Klinar from Caffe` Gelateria Sotto Ze...
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6882 Hits

How I got on the Food Network!

How I got on the Food Network!
        I'm sure many of you are wondering how a scrappy chick from Brooklyn with a web show about cooking with Nonna's got herself on to the Food Network.  Not to mention dragging her own mother and ...
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7722 Hits

Food Network - 24 Hours Restaurant Battle

Food Network - 24 Hours Restaurant Battle
  We Won!!!   Food Network 24 Hour Restaurant Battle   Ciao a Tutti, We did it!!! Me and my two wonderful Teammates both on the show and in real life, my mamma Angela and my lovely Nonna Romana (Team ...
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4835 Hits

Cooking at Masseria Torre Coccaro

Cooking at Masseria Torre Coccaro
    Continuing on my trip in Puglia, we spent a lovely day at Masseria Torre Coccaro in Fasano (Brindisi). This masseria is absolutely a 5 star resort. Everything about it is just beautiful: the archi...
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5436 Hits

Otranto: First Stop in Puglia!

Otranto: First Stop in Puglia!
      I just came back from a wonderful trip to Puglia organized by the Puglia Center and sponsored by  Consorzio Terra Antica and Puglia Doc. I must say that it was one of the most mesmerizing trips ...
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6250 Hits


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4427 Hits

A Cake for Your Valentine!

A Cake for Your Valentine!
    Ciao a tutti, Tis the season of love and heartfelt togetherness!  That's right guys and gals, the fat, rosy cherub of Valentine's Day has all but arrived, and you know what that means: chocolate! ...
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5326 Hits

More Nutella for All!

More Nutella for All!
    Ciao a Tutti, With Nonna Rina's homemade ravioli still fresh in the mind (and most of my freezer), we're going to head back to my kindly kitchen to literally whip up another Nutella-based dessert ...
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5332 Hits