The Feast of the Seven Fishes

The Feast of the Seven Fishes
The Feast of the Seven Fishes   Seven Fishes Seafood Salad   Before Christmas, we celebrate The Eve, or The Feast of the Seven Fishes. But where did this celebration originate? Unbeknown to ...
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36390 Hits

A Christmas Celebration at A' vucchella in Bridgeport, CT

A Christmas Celebration at A' vucchella in Bridgeport, CT
       Dear Friends, Are you ready to celebrate Christmas?  Well I am!!!  Please join me and my two lovely Nonne:  Nonna Romana Sciddurlo from Puglia and Nonna Antoinette Capodicci from Campania as we...
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14047 Hits

Rossella at Trattoria 'A Vucchella for a Christmas Celebration!

Rossella at Trattoria 'A Vucchella for a Christmas Celebration!
    Dear Friends, Because of the overwhelming success of the Dec. 10 Christmas Dinner celabration at Massimo in Bridgeport, CT which Sold Out in less than a week, I have decided to hold the very same ...
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14777 Hits

Rossella at Massimo for a Christmas Celebration!

Rossella at Massimo for a Christmas Celebration!
This event is now Sold Out !   Please join me the following day in Bridgeport, CT, at the very same even that will be held at Trattoria 'A Vucchella . For details, please visit THIS PAGE !     Dear Fr...
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10625 Hits

Join us for a Christmas Celebration at Eataly NYC

Join us for a Christmas Celebration at Eataly NYC
Dear Friends, Christmas will be here in no time and I'm honored to report that after the great success we had at La Scuola di Eataly in NYC in the Spring of 2013, we have been asked to teach another C...
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14636 Hits

Childhood memories:Il Ceppo di Natale,The strain of Christmas

In the early 50’s, the families, grandparents, parents and children ,used to spent the evening afer eating, sitting around the table to tell stories.   While chatting each other, they also held small ...
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6667 Hits

Happy Holidays - Buon Natale - Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays - Buon Natale - Merry Christmas
Enjoy this beautiful Christmas song performed by Luciano Pavarotti: "Tu Scendi dalle Stelle"      
10013 Hits

Christmas Time!

Christmas Time!
    Ciao a Tutti, It's Christmas week, and I don't know about you, but I have visions of a whole lot more than sugarplums dancing in my head!  The holidays have always been my favorite time of year ev...
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10902 Hits