Buon Viaggio! We are going to Italy!

Buon Viaggio! We are going to Italy!
It’s often hard to believe that “good luck” or good fortune really occurs; perhaps it’s just that we believe unexpected and outrageously good things only happen to others. Even after several emails fr...
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6703 Hits

WIN a FREE Tour of Italy - 2012

WIN a  FREE Tour of Italy - 2012
WIN a FREE Tour of Italy - 2012 My dear Friends, that time of the year is here again when, thanks to my dea r partner Perillo Tours ,  I get to play Santa Claus and send one of you on a FREE Tour of a...
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15536 Hits

Il Mulino di Firenze, for those looking for somewhere different to stay

Il Mulino di Firenze, for those looking for somewhere different to stay
When looking for a hotel in Florence, you may want to look down river for a little gem. Normally when I stay in Florence I stay in one of the hotels in the centre of the city but this time I thought w...
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